See Want Shop's Lisa Hamilton shares her journey to clear skin at HÜD

Posted by Gry Tomte on



No one wants acne. Period. It's really no fun...

Over the past 4 1/2 years we've had the absolute pleasure and honour of looking after so many beautiful souls - many who have struggled for years with skin they're NOT happy in. We've been fortunate to have been able to help hundreds of clients feel happy in their skin again.


Most of our beautiful clients who we see on a day to day basis have one thing in common. They all exclaim: "I feel like I'm the only one with acne".

Or "Is this the worst case you've ever seen? It must be!"....

It absolutely breaks my heart every time I hear my team relay this to me. Because you're not alone... We rarely see anyone who doesn't have a skin problem. 


This is why we LOVE when we have clients who can share their story. Show the world that you're not alone.

Lisa Hamilton is one of our clients who lives her life in the public eye. As an international blogger her job revolves around being SEEN. Out and about at events. In the media. On instagram. And we know first hand how hard it can be to live up the the expectations of having "perfect" skin and internet trolls pointing out your every "flaw".

So we are so glad she decided to share her journey to clear skin with all of you. Lisa has been seeing us for 4 years now and we are super excited to be prepping her skin for her upcoming wedding! YAYYY!

You can read Lisa's story here



Yours in Skin Health,

Gry XO



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